Thank you for taking the time to check out our software. Calls/meetings may be scheduled upon request. Via email and usually respond within 24-48hrs. If you have a good idea then expect the idea to be implemented We take your questions and suggestions very seriously. Check the Troubleshooting documentation for more help. This always causes COM port issues as applications cannot share the same COM ports. Please be sure you are not running any RacerMate software at the same as PerfPRO.

Using any Prolific serial-to-USB adapters then make the switch over to FTDI and save yourself a lot of headaches. You can also go to the FTDI site to download the latest serial-to-usb drivers. Contact RacerMate or visit their forum if The same problem most likely exists for all CompuTrainer related software on your This is most likely hardware related or a problem with your serial-to-usb drivers.

This setup combines the initial install and updates for both the USB GPS drivers and the USB Data Card Programmer drivers. This setup also includes the drivers for the USB Data Card Programmer. These drivers are designed for use with those GPS units that support USB transfer of data to/from the PC - not to include the iQue.

This setup will install / pre-load all Garmin USB Drivers on your system and upgrade older versions if found.

Provides support for Garmin navigation devices on Windows